Texas Work Zone Laws You Should Know
Watch out for those Work Zones! Here are four laws you should know. Reduced Speed Limits If a construction company has put up temporary speed limit signs, they take precedence over previous speed limits in the area. As a driver, you must obey the temporary speed limit signs posted in…

What is Musculoskeletal Pain?
Did you know that 100% of auto accident victims experience some level of muscle dysfunction? Let’s find out more about musculoskeletal pain. Musculoskeletal pain is pain that affects the muscles, ligaments and tendons, and bones. What Causes Musculoskeletal Pain? The causes of musculoskeletal pain are varied. Muscle tissue can be…

Summer Car Care Tips
7 SUMMER CAR CARE TIPS TO HELP YOU (AND YOUR CAR) KEEP COOL 1. START WITH A SAFETY CHECK Coolant is key to keeping your car from overheating in these extreme heat conditions. So the first step in summer care care is to check the coolant and radiator. Sitting in…

How Long Should I Be Sore After A Car Accident
Have you been injured in a car accident? If so, you’re probably experiencing a wide range of feelings – anger, shock, or grief. These are common feelings after an accident. So is pain. Pain is our body’s internal alarm system. It’s your body’s way of saying “don’t do that; something’s…

Auto Accident Injuries and Safety
The sheer number of people getting hurt in auto accidents is actually at an all-time low since 1961, but with more and more drivers on the road and a serious rash of hit-and-runs, the totals in personal injuries and property damage is on the rise. Many people who are injured…

Ways to Promote a Healthy Back
Having a healthy and strong back is essential to maintaining a strong body. When your back is healthy, you don’t have back pain or recurring spinal issues, and you will feel happier and more confident. However, despite the importance of taking care of your back, back pain is the leading…

How To Feel Better After A Car Accident
Feel better after a car accident by… 1. Focusing on taking care of yourself. It’s okay to take a little time out of your day for some self-care. If you’re sore, shaken up, or injured in any way, don’t be afraid to stay home, camp out on the sofa, and…

What Happens When You Experience Delayed Pain After An Accident
Given the speed and force involved when motor vehicles collide, it’s no surprise that the results can be severe. You should consider yourself lucky if you don’t have to leave the scene in an ambulance. But you could still be hurt and not know it yet. Some injuries don’t present…

Aggressive Driving
A new analysis of aggressive driving data confirms some long-held beliefs: when men are behind the wheel, they are more aggressive and tend to speed, tailgate, merge dangerously, and make rude gestures or honk at other drivers more than women. But women also engage in some dangerous driving habits, like…

Driving In Snow and Ice
Here are some excellent tips for driving safely on ice and snow from the smart people at Car and Driver. 1. Drive Super Smoothly The key to safe driving in snow is being smooth with the steering wheel, accelerator, and brakes. Why? Jerky movements with the controls easily unstick tires…