Serving Texas and Colorado

May Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Motorcycles make up 3% of all registered vehicles and only .6% of all vehicle miles traveled in the U.S.
Motorcyclists accounted for 14% of all traffic fatalities in 2017.
28% of riders who died in a motorcycle crash in 2017 were alcohol-impaired.
91% of riders who died in a motorcycle crash in 2017 were male.

The vast majority of vehicles on the road are not motorcycles. They’re cars and vans and trucks. It’s quite possible that as a driver you rarely think about motorcycles.

This is a problem.

“When motorcycles and other vehicles collide, it is usually the other (non-motorcycle) driver who violates the motorcyclist’s right of way,” according to an issue statement from NHTSA. “There is a continuing need to help other motorists ‘think’ motorcycles and to educate motorcyclists to be aware of this problem.”

Why do drivers often violate motorcyclists’ right of way?

Motorcycles are relatively small and drivers don’t see them.
Drivers don’t anticipate motorcycles’ movements.
The driver’s view of the motorcyclist is obstructed, often by the vehicle’s blind spots or other vehicles.
The driver is distracted.

36% of All Fatalities in 2017 Were Older Riders
Riders 50 and older made up 36% of all motorcycle fatalities in 2017, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. So-called “re-entry riders,” who rode in their 20s and decided to take it up again in their late 40s to 60s face additional challenges today: more traffic, more powerful bikes, more distracted drivers and diminished physical skills.

Skill and Gear Can Protect You

A helmet is the most important equipment a biker can use. In 2017, 1,908 motorcyclists who died were not wearing a helmet. Helmets are estimated to be 37% effective in preventing fatal injuries.

A full-coverage helmet offers the most protection.
Look for the DOT sticker, which guarantees the helmet meets safety standards required by law.
Never buy a used helmet; helmets are useless after they’ve been worn in a crash.

Not every state has a helmet law, but even if yours doesn’t, wear one anyway. A motorcycle crash is a “violent event.” More than 80% of all reported motorcycle crashes result in injury or death, according to NHTSA.

In addition to wearing a helmet:

Choose a bike that fits you; “supersport bikes” have driver death rates about four times that of cruisers or standard bikes, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Invest in antilock brakes.

New riders should take a motorcycle safety course, and experienced riders should take refresher courses after being off their bikes for a while.

Know the rules of the road.

Be aware that riding with a passenger requires considerably more skill
Never drink and ride.

Drive defensively, especially at intersections, where half of all collisions occur.

Watch for hazards like potholes, manhole covers, oil slicks, puddles, debris, railroad tracks and gravel.

Assume you are invisible to other motorists and position yourself to be seen.

Use headlights day and night.

Be courteous; don’t weave in and out of lanes, or ride on the shoulder or between lanes.

Don’t speed.

Wear bright and/or reflective clothing that is durable and boots that cover the ankles.

Wear goggles, glasses or use a face shield that is ventilated to prevent fogging, and make sure it’s clear if riding at night.

Stay safe out there!

Metro Doctors Group assists people who have sustained injuries in an automobile accident or at work. Our doctors treat all kinds of injuries, but specialize in musculoskeletal injuries.

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